It's been a while I've been in India.. But being here has been bittersweet. It's exciting to bring my little boy here to visit his grandparents and scores of other relatives but it's sad to see that recent events here have tainted my experience as a whole. Gang rapes and utter disregard for women's right to be treated with respect has put me off a lot more than I expected. As I walk through the crowded bazaars and bargain with witty shop keepers I constantly find myself looking over my shoulder to make sure I'm not being followed, eve teased, or treated like a piece of meat by locals.
I'm sure I'm not alone. There are millions of girls who feel this insecurity, especially in the capital. It is discouraging to see even after all that's gone down in the last few months there is no awareness in the general male public regarding women's sentiments regarding these issues. Why is it so difficult to leave the perversion at home and not carry it around everywhere they go? It is an interesting discussion as to why our society is like this.
Intellectuals and feminists argue that Islamic countries treat women unfairly with Sharia law. They are secondary to men and even in the eyes of the law they have little rights compared to their counterparts. But the best thing about these countries is that they have very strict laws in place for rapists and sexual harassers. They are castrated and shamefully punished when they are found guilty. But in the veil of democracy and a fair and just trial, thousands of Indian men escape the cruelest of punishments for the most horrendous crimes due to lack of evidence. Evidence - such a strong word with the gross implication that burden of proof lies in on the state. There is nothing wrong with this philosophy, except that in a corrupt nation where policewallas can be bought out and just a few rupees in bribe will cover up almost any 'evidence' it holds little to no value.
Raping a 4 year old girl should not require a fair trial. When it is clear that there was an interaction between a deviant and this little girl, there should be no more questions asked. Hang the bast*ard. He doesn't deserve fairness. He is unworthy of a democratic and due process. He didn't give that little girl a chance. Why does he get one?
Sure, you can blame it on the corruption. Things like this happen because of disregard of the law, but there is a much bigger question in play here. Why are these Indian men such monsters? Why do they act in devious ways with innocent girls? What is driving this traumatic culture? Yes, culture. India boasts of a rich heritage and a varied culture. But when things happen repeatedly in a society, it becomes the culture. Gang rapes are the culture now. Should we be proud of being a Hindustani now? I was always proud to say I come from a land of tremendous diversity and acceptance, but I no longer want to associate with this place if we are going to do nothing about such monstrous acts. This blog won't make a difference, I know that. I'm not that naive. But there needs to be more action than talk. I'm tired of prime time news channels covering this issue with no productive outcomes. I'm tired of watching my back as I walk around in public. I'm tired of 'this doesn't happen with educated people' excuses.
India is a rural country. Most people are not educated. But lack of education shouldn't make us monsters. We need to change some things - NOW. The Indian youth needs to make some noise. Get out of your fantasy lands where money buys fairness and locks it away in a box. Let's lock up these animals instead.
Where are we headed? Let's not let these events define who we are as a people, because today, we're all ashamed.
I'm sure I'm not alone. There are millions of girls who feel this insecurity, especially in the capital. It is discouraging to see even after all that's gone down in the last few months there is no awareness in the general male public regarding women's sentiments regarding these issues. Why is it so difficult to leave the perversion at home and not carry it around everywhere they go? It is an interesting discussion as to why our society is like this.
Intellectuals and feminists argue that Islamic countries treat women unfairly with Sharia law. They are secondary to men and even in the eyes of the law they have little rights compared to their counterparts. But the best thing about these countries is that they have very strict laws in place for rapists and sexual harassers. They are castrated and shamefully punished when they are found guilty. But in the veil of democracy and a fair and just trial, thousands of Indian men escape the cruelest of punishments for the most horrendous crimes due to lack of evidence. Evidence - such a strong word with the gross implication that burden of proof lies in on the state. There is nothing wrong with this philosophy, except that in a corrupt nation where policewallas can be bought out and just a few rupees in bribe will cover up almost any 'evidence' it holds little to no value.
Raping a 4 year old girl should not require a fair trial. When it is clear that there was an interaction between a deviant and this little girl, there should be no more questions asked. Hang the bast*ard. He doesn't deserve fairness. He is unworthy of a democratic and due process. He didn't give that little girl a chance. Why does he get one?
Sure, you can blame it on the corruption. Things like this happen because of disregard of the law, but there is a much bigger question in play here. Why are these Indian men such monsters? Why do they act in devious ways with innocent girls? What is driving this traumatic culture? Yes, culture. India boasts of a rich heritage and a varied culture. But when things happen repeatedly in a society, it becomes the culture. Gang rapes are the culture now. Should we be proud of being a Hindustani now? I was always proud to say I come from a land of tremendous diversity and acceptance, but I no longer want to associate with this place if we are going to do nothing about such monstrous acts. This blog won't make a difference, I know that. I'm not that naive. But there needs to be more action than talk. I'm tired of prime time news channels covering this issue with no productive outcomes. I'm tired of watching my back as I walk around in public. I'm tired of 'this doesn't happen with educated people' excuses.
India is a rural country. Most people are not educated. But lack of education shouldn't make us monsters. We need to change some things - NOW. The Indian youth needs to make some noise. Get out of your fantasy lands where money buys fairness and locks it away in a box. Let's lock up these animals instead.
Where are we headed? Let's not let these events define who we are as a people, because today, we're all ashamed.