Apparently the 'people have power' agenda has reached Italian women as well. After 3 weeks of successful protests in Egypt, Italian women are taking their turn to voice their opinion about Italian Prime Minister Silvio Burlesconi. He's quiet the womanizer in Italy (as oppose to other Italian men) and stories about his sex scandals including parties and "14 hotties who sit around in a Milan compund waiting for him" have recently been exposed.
These stories have made Italian women irate on the image that is being portrayed of all Italian women.
Mr. Burlesconi has also dropped charges and pardoned theft for one of his "groupies" which added fuel to the rage simmering among Italian women.
Women aren't necessarily treated well in Italy. They are viewed as second class citizens with less than 50% employed outside the home and even those that work get 20% less pay than their male counterparts. I guess they had had enough disrespect!
So in order to have their voices heard, women rallied in more than 200 Italian cities (I didn't know Italy had so many cities!) only to have the billionaire Prime Minister say that he is a victim of an attempted "coup of moralists". That's not it though.
When Italian men were asked to comment on these escalating events, one comment from the husband of a protester summarized the majority opinion: "People vote for him because he personifies defects that Italians have in their DNA ... When you hear about what he does, 80 percent of men think, 'I wish I were in his place."
Wow. Men wishing to be powerful, rich, and have dozens of women around them? Sorry senor, thats not just in Italian men's DNAs, I think majority of men across the globe would call it their fantasy.
The men are paying for Mr. Berlusconi's actions though. Instead of pasta and pizza, they will be getting a serving of seasoned and well-justified protest for the next few nights..
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