Yesterday was a shameful day for America. President Barack Obama finally gave in to the racist rants and provided a long-form birth certificate to prove that he is indeed an American born citizen. Shouldn't Americans be focusing on more important issues that are pressing current news? I don't know, maybe we can discuss the Afghanistan or Iraq war, or Pakistani Intelligence directly orchestrating terrorism, or Libya, or Japan, or unemployment or national debt. I mean the list could seriously go on. But no. Donald Trump and like minded morons find it more important to distract the nation with unimportant and irrelevant details that will in no way contribute to a single crisis at hand.
The hue and cry surrounding Obama's birth documents is a clear indication that most conservatives have no clue of what's priority. Just like any issue, the only way they attract media or mass attention is through paranoia, fear and racism. Yes, racism. Considering America is a land filled with immigrants, the whole idea of the 'Birther' movement is racist. Just because someone isn't born in the country doesn't make them any less able to serve than a red neck in Mississippi. How did most Americans get there in the first place? Oh yes, that's right by snatching away land from the Native Americans and basically ousting them from what was theirs in every respect. But that's okay. I'm not here to argue whether we should rid the constitution of the 'need to be born on the great American soil to be President' nonsense. That's a separate issue.
The issue at hand is how low will the Sarah Palin and Donald Trump likes go to dodge answering real questions. Obama has fallen for the trap. He stayed above the nonsense for over two years but now with him answering to an unwarranted accusation, he has probably only created more heat for himself. I mean, these people aren't going to stop. They will question his religion, his loyalty to the country, his morals and principles until its election time and the lazy Americans who don't read the news will focus on these facts instead of anything else.
Anyone who says that conservatives demanding Obama's birth proof isn't racist is grossly naive. I don't think this topic would have risen had Obama been a blue eyed blond white guy. It's because his father is from Kenya and he looks different than anyone else been in the White House. Why are people so afraid to admit it. It was a proud day when Obama was elected - a day that will be remembered as a historical turn point in race issues. But the backlash of denial and ignorance has continued since the election in 2008 and sadly has only gotten worse among the crazies.
Donald Trump has boldly stated that he is 'proud' of himself for having Obama answer to an undignified demand. Yes, you should be proud Trump. Proud that you wasted precious time that the President could have spent on constructive problem solving and 'real' problems. Perhaps Don should step out of his sauna and turn on CNN or BBC to realize what's really happening in the world. Believe it or not, the world stretches beyond Hawaii and Alaska.
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